Thursday, September 3, 2009

To Bring out the Worst

He wouldn't let her go. "C'mon, it's funny!"
No it wasn't. He was deliberately poking fun at a very sensitive subject, and when he saw how upset she was, he went in for the kill. Grabbing that ever-so-embarrassing extra skin under her chin, he declared "Say 'little piggy!' Say it!"
Finally breaking a hand free, she delivered something between a shove and a slap. Nothing harmful, but a strike nonetheless. Speechless at first, she recovers with a quick, "I'm sorry" and flees his house, mortified and confused.


The coffee cup is hot in her hand, but she can no longer tell if it is from the liquid inside or the blood rushing to her hand.
"Why should we fix your car? What makes you so special?"
Wasn't he supposed to know that? Visions of the coffee cup making contact with his face swam amidst tears and bitter disappointment. Silent, she leaves the room, afraid of her vision becoming reality.


He shoved her away when she tried to help him up. "Leave me alone. You spoil all my fun." He returned his head to the toilet, where he was repenting the days festivities. When she comes back to check on him, he is passed out in the same position. She tried to lift him; he struggled, and she lost her grip. His head met the porcelain with a muffled crack. She couldn't help but smile. And she felt bad for it.

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